About Us

About Us

Starting in 2000, Eden College is a private College based in Romford, Essex. Eden College has grown into one of the leading training and employment service providers. Eden College is proud to provide over 500 people a year with the opportunity to change their lives through work and training and we are planning to do even more to support local communities.

Eden College has worked on several government contracts and also worked overseas on various training and development initiatives. Eden College has operated for the last 22 years providing a range of courses which include the following:

Eden College has worked on several government contracts and also worked overseas on various training and development initiatives. Eden College has operated for the last 22 years providing a range of courses which include the following.
  • Stand alone vocational courses at levels 1, 2, 3 4, 5, and 6
  • Apprenticeships levels 2 and 3, GCSE’s and A Levels.

Our courses support learners improve their skills and employment opportunities. In addition we also offer careers information advice and personal development planning and a free recruitment service for all employers.

The College’s Vision is to make an impact in people’s lives through the delivery of accredited learning programmes, as well as delivering effective career and organisational development, management, planning and advisory services for all individuals and organisations we work with. Our courses are funded through the Student Loan’s Company, the Education and Skills Agency and the Greater London Authority all working in partnership with European Structural Fund

Our courses are funded through the Student Loan’s Company, the Education and Skills Agency and the Greater London Authority all working in partnership with European Structural Fund.

college girl

We aim to;
Enable the individual to make informed choices
Enable the individual to fulfil their potential
Enable the individual to achieve their purpose

Equality and Diversity
Eden college is totally committed to identifying and challenging inequalities which arise from individuals' race, gender, class, degree of disability sexual orientation and/or age.

Freda Jacobsonfreda.jacobs@edencollege.co.ukManaging Director
Ann Odonkorann.odonkor@edencollege.co.ukLearning, Careers and Funding Coordinator
Reshma Begumreshma.begum@edencollege.co.ukSenior Learning and Development Adviser
Sunday Oyeniyisunday.oyeniyi@edencollege.co.ukSenior Learning and Development Adviser
Beatrice Agyemangbeatrice.agyemang@edencollege.co.ukLearning and Development Adviser
Alice Turayalice.turay@edencollege.co.ukLearning and Development Adviser
Dorothy Ansahdorothy.ansah@edencollege.co.ukLearning and Assessment Coordinator
Adiba Karimadiba.karim@edencollege.co.ukLearning and Development Adviser
Eden Collegeinfo@edencollege.co.ukGeneral email address for Eden College
Assignmentsassignments@edencollege.co.uEmail regarding Assignments
Applicationsapplications@edencollege.co.ukEmail regarding Application
Eventsevents@edencollegec.o.ukEmail regarding Events
Apprenticeshipapprenticeship@edencollege.co.ukEmail regarding Apprenticeship
Learner Newslearnernews@edencollege.co.ukEmail regarding news for learners
Natalie Shawnatailie.shaw@edencollege.co.ukLearning and Development Adviser
Tosin Obisesantosin.obisesan@edencollege.co.ukLearning and Development Adviser
Zenish Waqaszenish.waqas@edencollege.co.ukLearning and Development Adviser
Sesu Afeahsesu.afteah@edencollege.co.ukLearning and Development Adviser (Trainee)
Samiha MongroliaSamiha.mongrolia@edencollege.co.ukLearning and Development Adviser (Trainee)
Freda Jacobsonfreda.jacobs@edencollege.co.ukPrincipal Internal Quality Assurance Adviser
Edith Hoangedith.hoang@edencollege.co.ukLead Internal Quality Assurance Adviser/IQA
Claire Watkinsclaire.watkins@edencollege.co.ukInternal Quality Assurance Adviser/IQA


Eden College believes in ensuring all learners are safe and believe safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, it is therefore important that we, recognise the signs that could indicate abuse is happening, remember to treat everyone with respect and compassion and ensure we challenge inappropriate and unacceptable behaviour, respond to sensitively to all concerns , listen to all concerns without questioning without investigating, not promising confidentiality but should explain what is intended. It is also important to record factually and accurately in a timely manner all discussions as well as ensuring you report this to the designated safeguarding officer of the College.

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