Accrediation and Partnership

Pearson (Previously known as Edexcel)-The leading provider of internationally recognised qualifications.

The European Social Fund (ESF) was set up to improve employment opportunities in the European Union and so help raise standards of living, through funding a variety of programs in the UK and Europe.

ESFA Funds education and skills in the UK, both pre sixteen and post sixteen and not higher education. Their single goal is to improve the skills of England’s young people and adults to ensure we have a workforce of world-class standard. Funds learning, assessment and development in the UK.

The college holds the matrix standards for information, advice and guidance for both internal and external service

A UK kite mark in recognition of learning and development within organisations. Eden College holds the silver award.

A supportive accreditation body which offers a wide range of qualifications for all learners.

The leading UK awarding body for hair and beauty qualifications.

We’re NCFE: an educational charity and leader in vocational and technical learning. In 1848, we were born from the belief that no learner was left behind. Today, NCFE taking up that cause with fresh energy.

FOCUS AWARDS is an Awarding Organization (sometimes called an Awarding Body) regulated by Ofqual on behalf of the UK government.